Meetings. Discussions. Agreements.
The Initial Contact
Initial Meetings
Initial meetings are an excellent way to get the following benefits:
Get to speak with us live
Introduce yourself personally
State your current condition or challenge or needs to us
Tell us what work you need to have done or what skills need to be worked on
Find out how we can work together effectively
Our new clients are encouraged to start with initial meetings first. We will together lay the ground for purpose-driven, trusting and effective working relationships.
Doing it right and better.
The Consultative Discussions
One-on-One Consulting
Consultative one-on-one discussions are effective work consultations that have specific agenda and predefined topics. During the consultations our clients can get the following benefits:
Discuss with us professional needs and challenges
Obtain professional advice and consultative support
Obtain unbiased opinion and hints
Improve understanding on the subject matter discussed
Become aware of possible work agreements with us, based on the needs
Get professional attention to other work needs.
Consultative discussions are the most effective way for start-ups to start and maintain a trusting business relationship with us.
Doing it right and better.
The Contractual Agreements
Contract Work
Written agreements are contracts that arrange our work relationship with clients, based on their hiring, expert-consultative and support needs.
The contractual agreements can vary in terms (including part-time, full-time) and in duration (permanent, up to 6 months, or longer fixed duration).
We can stay flexible and ready to adapt to your professional dynamics at work and social needs.
Agreements are the most effective way to sustain and scale up a trusting business relationship with us.
Doing it right and better.